Monthly Archives: January 2014

Tuesday 4 February 2014: Chris Dolan

The next meeting of the group will be held in Room 706 of the Adam Smith Building, Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow at 17.00 on Tuesday 4th February.

 *Please Note we have now changed locations from Lilybank House*

 Our speaker at this session is prominent Scottish author, Chris Dolan.

 Proposed discussion:

 ‘True stories? A writers’ instincts and dilemmas in telling stories about the past’.

 Speaker biography:

After working for CSV and UNESCO, Chris Dolan has been writing novels and short stories, television and radio drama and documentary, and theatre since 1992. He also teaches creative writing at Glasgow Caledonian University. His latest novel, Redlegs, is set among Scottish indentured workers in 19th century Caribbean. Barbado’ed (BBC 2009) is his documentary about those workers’ descendants. He is currently working on a new novel, a play for the Edinburgh Festival, and a radio adaptation.

More News on the Empire Cafe

The Sunday Herald ran a story on the Empire Cafe this Sunday (19 January 2014).

Read more about the cafe, the space it is using and how it will be challenging and drawing attention to Glasgow’s history with slavery. It will run for the last week of July 2014, at the same time as the Commonwealth Games.

The Empire Cafe also have a twitter page – which you can follow for more information. If you want to get in touch with them then please do so through their twitter (we are not affiliated with them).